Paul Elliott

WCF is now working on an exciting new video series called, “Faith Matters.” The word Matters intentionally draws on both of its vital meanings. Faith Matters is designed to inspire and motivate us to develop and grow faith across a lifetime–and help us understand what elements combine in the faith described in Scripture.

The new series embodies WCF’s Mission of “Cultivating Faith Together.” We chose this mission because we believe that nothing matters more in life than our faith. Our education, our job, our family, our bank accounts–none of these come close to mattering more than our faith when we are on our deathbed. It is our relationship with God that will be the most important thing on our minds when are at the end of our lives.

The vital importance of faith is summed up cogently in Hebrews: Without faith it is impossible to please God (Heb. 11:6). Faith is one of the few essential things God requires of us.

Our mission may sound simple, yet we find that understanding everything in scriptural faith is not always so simple. Even though the Bible gives us a great definition for faith (Heb 11:1), faith still means many different things to many people.

Faith is often thought of as an abstract concept, one that has been studied and analyzed by philosophers, theologians, and scientists for millenia. It is very similar to the concept of truth, where Pilate asked the Apostle Paul the rhetorical question, “What is truth?” Every religion in the world centers on faith, often with very different takes on it.

These days, faith is not just limited to religion. People can have faith in many different things, such as the power of love, the goodness of humanity, or the potential for positive change in the world. Faith is often considered personal and individual, with each person entitled to their own unique beliefs and values. With all these different views and speculation on faith, no wonder many people are confused or even misguided with the use of the word.

In today’s muddled landscape, nearly everyone–even nonreligious people–will say they have faith. When pushed a little further, however, even dedicated Christians often describe their faith somewhat differently.

Faith is an intensely personal thing. But we believe the faith of the Bible is consistent across time and is the only faith God takes great pleasure in.

Understanding faith is important because it becomes the compass for life. Once embedded in our core, faith changes our lives, drives our attitudes, shapes our behaviors and informs our decisions. Like an unswerving compass, faith guides life day by day. And, it is this growing faith that combines with God’s grace to gain salvation (Eph. 2:8). Today’s mishmash of faith concepts makes it very easy to fall into several subtle and sometimes fatal traps that can take our lives in the wrong direction. They can also replace our faith compass with un-Christ-like behavior.

WCF wants to help ground lives in the whole faith that is cornerstone in the Scriptures–a faith of head, heart and hands. We want to help inspire the type of faith that pleases God. As shown in the great lives of many, the faith described in Hebrews 11 is a faith that is active and grows over time and experience. It is a faith that brings glory to God. In contrast, a misguided type of faith that we define for ourselves or is formed or that we let be shaped by society around us, can easily lead us off the path God has for us.

In Faith Matters, we will discuss the simplicity and power of scriptural faith. The series will inspire new faith by drawing from the powerful life lessons of faith of others. These faith stories include those who walked before us and those who walk still. The videos will center of scriptural matters of faith, but will also feature interviews and animations.

The videos will highlight some powerful faith principles. They will help us understand what fuels growth in faith. They will show the power of walking together on our faith journey. They will underscore the confidence we gain from knowing that we are not only following Jesus as our Leader on our faith journey, but He is walking with us.

These videos are not just about core faith elements, though. We will also tackle some of the “Faith Traps” into which we all can easily fall. The goal will be to present ways to recognize the trap and then avoid it. The series will deal with subtle snares such as: defending your faith while violating Christ commandments, striving for holiness in un-Christ-like manner, and yearning too much for the future kingdom at the expense of today.

Faith Matters are designed to appeal to all ages, especially our youth. We hope they will stimulate further thought and discussion and be worthy of sharing with your friends.

We at WCF are passionate about cultivating scriptural faith together, and we hope that these videos will inspire you to join us on this important journey, all to the glory of God. Watch your email, the WCF website and social media for the first of this series to be released in early spring of this year. We want to help you grow in your faith and deepen your relationship with our Heavenly Father and His Son. Because in the end, nothing matters more than faith.