The Prayer Project is a collection of prayer resources to help you in your personal prayer life. You will find a selection of prayer videos with readings from scripture as well as personal prayers for different occasions.  


A Prayer for Peace

Dear Lord
Some days like this feel fragile
We sorrow for all those we have lost
All that is absent in our present life
Across your world we see so much unraveling
So many more questions than answers
We pray for your still voice of calm
Help us trust in you and your power to heal
Hold us, mold us, shape us
Make us your vessels of peace
May we show love in the midst of hate
And be your light even in the darkness
Show us how to embrace your Kingdom
In a world that needs to know you
A world that needs Jesus
May He be our peace


A Prayer for Mothers

Today, let us pray for mothers
Thank you for all those that envelop us
With every fibre of their heart
Who rise each day anew to nurture
Not just their own, but someone else’s child
Thank you for giving us all women
For their strength, and patience and intuition
Help us treasure every mother in our lives
Offer hope to all those who are longing
Give rest to all those who are weary
Embrace all those who have lost
And ponder them in our hearts


A Prayer for Fathers

Our Heavenly Father
Today, we pray for all the fathers in our lives
For those who are able to be with their children and love ones
And the fathers who are separated by moments and miles
Thank you for teaching us what it means to be a father
For giving us all the fathers in our lives who raise their own
And men that support, mentor and are a role model for others
For the wisdom and strength they offer when times are tough
For their compassion and patience when we as children so often fail
For the gentle words and quiet understanding that brings peace
We know all these things come from you, Lord
Today may be joyful for some and hard for others
Father to the fatherless, you have the power to heal
Bless this day and embrace us in your mercy


A Prayer for the New Year

Dear Lord,
This past year has been hard
We have been stretched and shaped in ways
That still we struggle to comprehend
How vast the miles are between all those we know and love
Yet you are near, always
Our hearts are heavy as we grieve
Soften and nurture us, Lord to continue to reflect your love
Help us mirror a little more of what your world should be
As we begin this new year with anticipation
Of better things
For the time when the sun of righteousness
Will rise with healing in his wings.


A Prayer for Comfort

All-powerful God,
Help me and bring me hope when I feel powerless.
When I feel like there is no way out
I will pray to you,
and ask people around me for help.

I will try to follow Jesus’ example,
and notice those who need support,
those who are alone, hungry or hurt.

When I have the power to help others,
give me the opportunity and courage to do this.
I can listen to them, learn from them,
and stand alongside them when they need a friend.


A Welfare Prayer

Father, we pray for:
Those in care homes – may they feel the presence of Jesus through their carers.
Those with chronic illnesses – that their symptoms may be bearable, give them strength to endure.
Those who work on the front line – keep them safe Lord as they serve.
Those who live alone – that they may feel your presence.
Those who feel trapped and frustrated at this present time – that they may feel the freedom of knowing You.
Those who feel far from you in spirit – that they will be restored.
Those who are searching – that they may find You, the only true God.
Those with young families and those expecting – that they may be safe and strong together.
Those who are separated from their families – that You will bring them together.
Those who have lost their jobs – that they might find food and shelter.
Those who are overwhelmed with too much to do – that their burden might be eased.

Create in us all, a steadfast spirit
to rest in You alone.


Want to Get Involved?

Would you like to record a prayer from scripture? Or would you like to share a prayer poem? We would love to hear from you: