T2T Blog

Meeting Christ’s Branches in South Africa
Shoshanna & Gideon Hewitson Shoshanna & Gideon Hewitson

Meeting Christ’s Branches in South Africa

My husband Gideon and I (Shoshanna) had the pleasure of visiting South Africa last June for a second time on a P2P team trip with the WCF and Cuddle Trust. To say we felt God working in the efforts of the team and all those involved in the two-week trip would be an understatement.

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Ecclesial Support
Ruth Legg Ruth Legg

Ecclesial Support

Whilst we’ve been here in Cambodia, we have spent most of our time and energy setting up and running a school programme for children to learn English through the Bible. Alongside this, another of our main aims has been to spend a large amount of our time with brothers and sisters, giving them spiritual support and encouragement.

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Planting Seeds
Ruth Legg Ruth Legg

Planting Seeds

One of our roles as followers of Christ is to plant the seed of God’s Word into people’s hearts and minds. We can plant the seeds and give them water, but ultimately is it “God who gives the increase” (1 Cor 3:7). Whilst we’ve been here in Cambodia, one of our biggest projects has been to set up and run a BEC school programme for children to come and learn English through the Bible. Our aim has been to give as many children as possible the opportunity to learn about God and to encourage them to keep coming to Sunday school every week.

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P2P: A Day at Cuddle Trust
Rachel Dawson-Bowman Rachel Dawson-Bowman

P2P: A Day at Cuddle Trust

After a quick breakfast, our household headed over to the other house full of P2P-ers and we set off in the two CUDDLE Trust branded ‘buckie’ vehicles to head up to the Fundani container classroom in Wolwerivier.

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Life in Cambodia
Ruth Legg Ruth Legg

Life in Cambodia

Cambodia is an awesome place to be. If you've never been before, it's totally worth the visit! Fantastic culture, food and surrounding scenery - this is my first time here and has already been the experience of a lifetime. I arrived on the 11th of January with sister Beth Palmer (UK) and we were joined a few weeks later by sister Faith Jenkins (UK) and sister Bethany McGeorge (Australia). We’ve been staying in Sihanoukville, a city and province of Cambodia situated right next to a stretch of beautiful beaches.

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P2P Cape Town - Changing Lives Life Changing
Jessie McQueen Jessie McQueen

P2P Cape Town - Changing Lives Life Changing

July 2023 will always remain amongst the favorite months I’ve ever experienced, spent with energetic kids, cuddly orphans, chatty local young people, enthusiastic co-workers, penguins and the awesome CUDDLE TRUST committee in South Africa.

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Charles & Val Fleming Charles & Val Fleming


It is with great thanks and answer to prayers that we have been granted an extension to our stay here in South Africa. We are very thankful to the donors who support the projects to make this possible, so that we can help with the work load a little bit longer.

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Charles & Val Fleming Charles & Val Fleming


Winter is fast approaching, and the evenings are getting darker. It has been extraordinary to feel cold again after many months of scorching weather here in South Africa. The darker evenings and cooler weather mean some changes and challenges to some of the projects we support.

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Directed by God
Shoshanna & Gideon Hewitson Shoshanna & Gideon Hewitson

Directed by God

During the month of May 2022, my husband Gideon and I were able to visit the brothers and sister in Cape Town, South Africa. There we were able to help support the Cuddle Trust and the Ignite and Shine programs. God’s direction was strongly felt both planning this trip and while we were there.

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James Robinson James Robinson


For some members of the camp, today started quite early, since they got up early to see the sunset from "White Island", a large sandbar off the coast of Camiguin Island.

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In God’s Hands
Charles & Val Fleming Charles & Val Fleming

In God’s Hands

We have been blessed with good health and energy out here in South Africa to continue to support the ongoing projects and help out wherever we can. We have established a good routine of travel between projects in Cape Town and in the Hopefield area and the car just about goes on autopilot between the two areas and we have a home away from home established on both sites.

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Arrived in the Philippines
James Robinson James Robinson

Arrived in the Philippines

We finally got on the plane, and got to spend 14 hours slowly watching our plane fly at 562 mph across the Pacific ocean. We arrived in Manila, made it through security, and then got to spend what felt like another two hours waiting for our bags. We felt very relieved to be able to leave the airport.

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All is in God’s Hands
Charles & Val Fleming Charles & Val Fleming

All is in God’s Hands

March has been a continuation of our support to the ongoing projects and helping out wherever we can. We are noticing a real impact that these projects are having on people’s lives. Knowing that someone cares about them and recognises their worth ignites personal self-belief in those who are served.

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Taking Notice of God
Charles & Val Fleming Charles & Val Fleming

Taking Notice of God

February has arrived and we count our blessings to still be out here in South Africa doing God’s work. We have become very used to our busy lifestyle and have enjoyed being able to continue supporting communities and initiatives through the Cuddle trust. We pray for continued guidance in our work and blessings on all that we do. We know that all is in God’s hands and that no plans are able to be undertaken without His support. We are thankful for the many God moments which are revealed to us every day, which just help to strengthen our faith and keep us motivated, energized and determined to be able to continue to serve. 

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Strength and Care
South Africa Michael Furstenburg South Africa Michael Furstenburg

Strength and Care

In this report, I would like to share the experiences we had while hosting the first P2P initiative in the Western Cape. All the volunteers met at one of the local pre-schools in Green village about an hour north of Cape Town, an area that was created for the local mines that came to a halt once fossils were discovered. We painted classrooms and decorated them with colourful murals that not only livens up the area but also will aid in teaching concepts of shapes and numbers.

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God Moments
Charles & Val Fleming Charles & Val Fleming

God Moments

It is hard to believe we are already a month into the new year and that the Prepare 2 Preach/Touch 2 Teach campaign is now over (P2P/T2T). We have had a very busy start to the New year with the arrival of the volunteers for the two-week P2P programme. We loved getting to know our brothers and sisters from the States & have loved working on projects together.

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Motivate One Another to Love
Michael Furstenburg Michael Furstenburg

Motivate One Another to Love

On the 5th of December the Mobile BEC made its debut at the Plaasmol Craft Market. Set up on the entrance path for all who entered and exited to see. Although there were not large numbers of enquiries, we still had some foot traffic coming to the stall. Valuable lessons also learned for the next markets.

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Humbled by God
Charles & Val Fleming Charles & Val Fleming

Humbled by God

Another month has passed by and we have enjoyed spending December here in South Africa, in much warmer weather. The time spent with family and friends has been so lovely and we are truly thankful and feel so blessed for the time we have been able to spend with them.

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Building Relationships
Charles & Val Fleming Charles & Val Fleming

Building Relationships

We have now completed a full month of our sponsored work here in South Africa. We have both settled in well and acclimatised back to the South African climate. Our heads have been spinning getting to grips with all the ongoing and new projects being undertaken by the Cuddle Trust.

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God Has Surely Listened
Michael Furstenburg Michael Furstenburg

God Has Surely Listened

Through our work at Little Brinks we were introduced to the idea of starting outreach work in the Wolwe River Relocation Camp. This camp of corrugated houses came into existence approximately 15 years ago when the city planner offered the occupants money and promises of new housing to vacate their homes to make space for new property development.

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