By grace you have been saved, through faith — and this not from yourselves, it is the gift of God.
Ephesians 2:8 New International Version
We believe we are saved by grace through faith in the Son of God, Jesus Christ. This faith is anchored in the core principles revealed in the Bible, the wholly inspired word of God. The Apostle Paul highlighted seven of these principles in the first century (Ephesians 4:1-6). They offer a concise summary of what we believe are key bible teachings.
Key Bible Teaching
We believe in one body.
Jesus is the head of a great multitude of followers that spans centuries, nations and languages. This body is united by faith in Him and in His Father. The members share a common purpose—walking together to the kingdom of God and serving others with eager hearts. We seek to be fully united with Jesus when He returns to earth as King.
We believe in one Spirit.
God’s eternal power created the world around us and grants each of us the breath of life. That Spirit gave us the Bible–and works in our lives to lead us ever closer to the coming of His Son and the establishment of God’s kingdom on earth.
We believe in one hope.
Humans are sinful, dying and mortal by nature. No one can escape this reality. But through our belief in Jesus, God gives us eternal life. Jesus lived a sinless life, died a horrible death on a cross and was raised from the dead by God to save us from our sins. We can share in that same resurrection if we believe in Him, are baptized in His name and follow him faithfully throughout our lives. The kingdom that God will establish on earth will be a place where today’s suffering and injustice will be replaced with peace, joy and righteousness.
We believe in one Lord.
Jesus is the only name in which we can find salvation. He is the Son of God, born of Mary. He shared our nature, and thus was tempted in every way like us. He did His Father’s will, lived without ever sinning and was raised to eternal life by His Father. Jesus is now our living Lord and Master, the Good Shepherd who guides us in our personal faith journey. Through our belief in Jesus, we gain the free gift of forgiveness for our sin.
We believe in one baptism.
True belief is founded on an understanding of the good news of the kingdom of God and the name of Jesus Christ. This leads us to repentance and a desire to love and serve God. Once we are convicted in our hearts, we commit our lives to God by publicly confessing our belief in Jesus Christ and being immersed in water. This act personally identifies us with His death on the cross and His resurrection from the dead. Baptism cleanses us of all past sins. It gives us a fresh start to a lifelong journey of discipleship.
We believe in one faith.
We strive to emulate the faith of Abraham, to whom the Gospel was preached. This friend of God was fully convinced God will do everything He promised. Faith is trusting God instead of ourselves. Without such faith it is impossible to please God. Faith is intended to persevere and strengthen throughout life. As our faith grows, we reflect more of God’s character and seek to love and serve others as thanksgiving for God’s grace to us.
We believe in one God and Father of all.
God is eternal—all powerful, present everywhere and all-knowing. He is the Creator and Sustainer of all life, and we are created in His image. He has revealed Himself by speaking through prophets and the writers of Scripture. Most important, He revealed Himself through His beloved Son Jesus, who perfectly reflects His character. By His grace, God freely offers us salvation if we believe in His Son and follow Him. We worship God for His abundant mercy and await the promised day when we shall be with Him and His Son, Jesus Christ, forever in God’s kingdom on earth.
God has given us good news—a great King and kingdom are coming. God will grant entrance to that kingdom to everyone who puts faith in His Son. We believe in the power of this Gospel message and seek to share it with all those who will hear it and, above all, believe it.