Humanitarian Support
WCF is committed to humanitarian acts of kindness freely given in a spirit of compassion. We honor the principles of giving to those in greatest need and loving your neighbor as yourself. Our humanitarian outreach focuses on three areas where we see particularly urgent needs in our world today:
Providing food, shelter and education to the poor and underprivileged. These are the most basic of human needs. We have underwritten them for the truly needy in the United States and around the world.
Assisting refugee resettlement and integration. Record numbers of people are on the move throughout the world, often seeking to escape war and persecution. We have helped refugees find new homes, take English as a Second Language (ESL) courses and connected them with ongoing support networks to help them become constructive members of new communities. Recipients are often on the second or third legs of a journey begun through the UN High Commission for Refugees.
Helping those in financial, medical and emotional crisis. Bad things happen in the lives of many. We believe in helping those who have stumbled. This includes assisting in the cost of emergency medical procedures, help to those who have lost employment or those facing a sudden challenge due to emotional difficulties.