We want to let you know of some of the many things our donors and volunteers enable us to do to support faith. We thought, what better way than to share the story of OUR journey. Click below to read “The WCF Journey”, an illustrated flipbook about WCF!
Mark Drabenstott
Faith is the never-ending story of triumph over adversity. Today, adversity seems to be mounting. When storms of adversity come, fear often follows. And fear is the enemy of faith.
Where is your faith? That’s the question Jesus put to his disciples when they were in a storm. They were crossing the Sea of Galilee when a horrific storm came up. They all thought they were about to die. Fear swept through them. Yet our Lord was full of peace, so much so that he was asleep. When the ship was taking on water and in great peril, they woke Jesus and said, “Master, Master, we’re perishing!” He calmly rebuked the wind and waves. All was calm. All danger vanquished. And then he turned to the disciples with the searing question.
Simon Dean
Why did Jesus die? One person might give the reason that he was God's appointed sacrifice. Another might point out that Israel's religious leaders hated him and persuaded the Romans to crucify him. Two completely different answers; with nothing in common; no overlap. But clearly both answers are scripturally correct, capturing different perspectives.
John Perks
We know from our Old Testament reading, that it was common for a father to place his hands on his children and bless them. In this way he was establishing a direction for their lives and seeking God’s guidance and protection. In New Testament times we see students becoming disciples of rabbis who would set the direction of their pupils' lives in thought and action.
Mark Drabenstott
What unique talents did God put inside of you? And how are you using them for the Lord? These core questions are at the heart of a new WCF initiative called, Putting Your Talents to Work. Our Creator has given each of us a distinct set of talents by the wondrous work of His grace. And when we appreciate what God has also done for us through His beloved Son, we will want to use those gifts to return our thanks.