2024 Summary of WCF’s Activities with Youth
John Perks
We know from our Old Testament reading, that it was common for a father to place his hands on his children and bless them. In this way he was establishing a direction for their lives and seeking God’s guidance and protection. In New Testament times we see students becoming disciples of rabbis who would set the direction of their pupils' lives in thought and action. Who is establishing the direction of the lives of our young people today? Make no mistake about it, our young people are being disciplined to think and behave in certain ways, and they are being blessed and directed to a particular type of life. The essential question is “Who is doing the discipling and the blessing?”
We need an all hands on deck approach to this serious issue. Families, ecclesias, and organizations like WCF need to work together to make sure our young people have the resources and every opportunity they need to be set on the path that leads to a meaningful and purposeful life both now and in the future. This past year WCF has provided two programs that aim to come alongside families and ecclesias to help provide spiritual tools and encouragement.
Faithward Bound is a sponsorship program that aims to provide an incentive for young people to come together in outdoor settings. This year three groups have taken advantage of this opportunity. It was inspired by verses such as;
“The heavens declare the glory of God;
the skies proclaim the work of his hands.
Day after day they pour forth speech;
night after night they display knowledge.There is no speech or language
where their voice is not heard.
Their voice goes out into all the earth,
their words to the ends of the world.” Psalm 19:1-4
Our hope is to encourage people to turn away from the distractions and messages of the world and see the value of being together in God’s creation. Spending time reading God’s word, singing hymns of praise, and developing meaningful relationships can inspire people to continue on the way that leads to eternal life.
Our second program is FaithLaunch. This weekend event, Lord-willing, will be held in Carlisle, Pennsylvania on October 25 - 27th. This year’s theme is Seeking Godly Peace. Jesus told us in Luke 21:26 about the condition of mankind in the last days when he said we will see;
Men's hearts failing them for fear,
and for looking after those things which are coming on the earth:
for the powers of heaven shall be shaken.
How do we deal with times of fear and anxiety? How do we apply the command of Jesus that we worry not? How can we be an example to those around us and preach through our example? This year’s FaithLaunch will attempt to wrestle with such questions. We will be treated to talks provided by our Brother Bill Link, and a series of short workshops where presenters will share their strategies for seeking Godly Peace in difficult and trying times. We hope that spending time together, discussing topics of substance, and praising and giving glory to our God will inspire our young people to continue in a life of faith.
Our prayer and our hope is to come alongside families and ecclesias to help in the essential work of blessing and discipling our young people in a faith walk that leads to the Kingdom of God.
If you have ideas that are intended to strengthen the faith of our youth, and could use the assistance of WCF, please reach out to Brother John Perks at jperks@wcfoundation.org.