
The word “benediction” comes from Latin, literally meaning “well-speaking”. Usually we will hear the word used as “a prayer asking God for help and protection for someone” (Cambridge Dictionary), or “the short blessing with which public worship is concluded” (Merriam-Webster). Or not even a religious service—it can be at the end of a graduation ceremony, a business lunch, or some other event.

The Bible contains quite a number of benedictions. A very famous one is the blessing Aaron and his sons were to pronounce on the people of Israel:

“The LORD bless you and keep you; the LORD make his face to shine upon you and be gracious to you; the LORD lift up his countenance upon you and give you peace.” (Numbers 6:23-26)

When a specific form of words is given, such as God gave Aaron, there is a risk that it can become a mere recitation, pronouncing the words without the brain engaged. You might hear this blessing read or recited, or you might even sing it – it’s been set to music several times. When you hear it or sing it, do you really think about it? Do you mean it as a heart-felt prayer for blessing? Do you give thought to who you’re praying to be blessed?

The apostle Paul closed all his letters with a benediction, often a very short, “Grace be with you.” I don’t believe that Paul just tossed off a few pleasant words by way of wrap-up. I believe he meant the prayer, however short. He prayed for grace to be extended to those he was writing to. The least we can do is say or think, “Amen” to his prayer.

The benediction at the end of Romans is much longer, and is worth spending some time with. There’s your assignment!

One other benediction in scripture is very well known, and again has been set to music. It’s the conclusion of the letter of Jude, verses 24-25. It’s just a beautiful prayer. It expresses praise to God, as well as Jude’s prayer for his readers. It is my prayer for you, and I hope, your prayer for me.

It begins, “Now unto Him…” Something will be ascribed to God. Jude finishes the sentence at the end: “…to the only God, our Savior through Jesus Christ our Lord, be glory, majesty, dominion, and authority, before all time and now and forever.” It is well that we bear in mind who the only God is. That we acknowledge all glory, all power, all salvation, is His. For all time.

In the middle of ascribing all this to the only God, Jude embeds his prayer for us. It is my prayer for you also. “To Him who is able to keep you from stumbling…” Do you stumble in your faith, your behavior? I do. But He is able to hold us back from stumbling, if we let Him. “And to present you blameless before the presence of His glory…” Do you feel like you can appear blameless in the presence of the glory of the Almighty? Seems impossible! But He is able to do that, by His boundless grace and mercy. And He doesn’t do it reluctantly—He does it “with great joy”!

I need to, more often and more vigorously, acknowledge the glory and power of the only God. Including the glory and power shown in the salvation in Jesus Christ, holding me back from stumbling, and then even when I do stumble, counting me as blameless by His grace. He takes joy in doing so.

So please, offer this benediction on my behalf. And don’t miss all the little prayers, the benedictions, that God’s inspired servants have left on record for us. “Grace be with you.” Just a few little words. So much there.

Love, Paul


Joy and laughter

