T2T Blog

A Living Statement of Faith
Not long after arriving and getting settled in Durban, the COPT team started to fill our schedule with a variety of special events and recurring weekly events. Sister Yvette van Rooyen emphasized that she wanted us working in areas that utilized our strengths. As such, Hannah soon became a regular at the Christianenberg school in Clermont where her love for children and skills as a healthcare provider intersected perfectly in a health class. She coordinated gift bags containing a variety of items. Each week, the kids received a new item (soap, toothpaste, stress balls homemade out of balloons) that complemented the lesson for the week, and at the end of the year they got to take home their bags.

Open Doors
I am very glad to announce that since my last report, WCF has funded this project. This 40 foot container is being converted into a classroom that will be the new venue for the CUDDLE Trust to hold skills courses such as the Creche Course, as well as STACK classes (Skills Training Academy Classes for Kids) for children. In addition it will function as a venue where we can run preaching initiatives such as Saturday Bible Club and Bible Course Seminars (in English and Afrikaans). The Container will be located on the grounds of Little Brinks where we can also use it as a space for education and play activities on rainy days.

Growth Opportunities
Our trip to South Africa took almost a full day, including 16 hours in the air from Atlanta to Johannesburg. After flying across the Atlantic all night, the first view of the African continent was an amazing moment. Beautiful clear views of the Namibian coastline gave way to the arid Kalahari Desert. After a tense moment at the customs desk (the consulate in New York had misdated my visa as expiring in May 2021), we rechecked our bags and boarded our connecting flight to Durban where we were greeted by brothers Barry van Heerden and James Kapassa.

Kingdom Kids
On August 14, we hosted a “Kingdom Kids” picnic for the ecclesial members in the Cape Town area. The picnic was outdoors to ensure good ventilation, and to comply with Covid restrictions. We had a fun filled day of fellowship with the Sunday school children and our brothers and sisters. As summer is approaching here, we are, if the Lord wills, going to host more of these events to encourage our brothers and sisters to meet and enjoy fellowship.

Infinite Wisdom
Close to our house is an informal settlement called “Wolwe” (the Afrikaans word for ‘Wolves’) and another low income housing estate called Green Village, both of which are very poor. God willing, we will be running a soup kitchen at these two locations and simultaneously have the mobile BEC set up there to both feed people physically and spiritually.