Williamsburg Christadelphian Foundation

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God Has Surely Listened

Dear Brothers and Sisters in the Lord Jesus,

In the past month many things that were planned in the beginning of my mission work finally came to be, the Lord has opened many doors to me and I’m truly grateful for His gracious answers to my prayers.

Wolwe River Relocation Camp

Through our work at Little Brinks we were introduced to the idea of starting outreach work in the Wolwe River Relocation Camp. This camp of corrugated houses came into existence approximately 15 years ago when the city planner offered the occupants money and promises of new housing to vacate their homes to make space for new property development. Unfortunately, these people got the short end of the stick when they were moved far from their places of employment, which led to their unemployment, as transport was and still is an issue. They also were moved into temporary structures that later became their permanent residences. We were finally introduced to the community leaders who welcomed us warmly.

The plan is to start a feeding scheme in this community, to do Bible club (Sunday School education) on a regular basis with the children, as well as regular food parcel supply. 

Wolwe River is close to where the container will be placed and will allow us to offer CUDDLE skill training courses with the people of this community.

Clean-up for Christ

Living close to the beach, we as a family tend to go there often. Regularly we are faced with a lot of rubbish that has been left behind or washed up by the sea. We often take a bag with us to pick some trash up and dispose of it properly. Recently my wife and I coincidentally wore our OCBS shirts while picking up the trash on a Saturday morning when the idea dawned on us to do this as a preaching opportunity. And so the Clean-up for Christ project was born. God willing, we will be hosting the first event on the 16th of December. Brother Llewellyn Scheepers designed some t-shirts for us to wear on the day.

Mobile BEC

God has heard my plea in prayer. One of the initial things I wanted to do was to have a mobile BEC to use in various markets around the Cape. To my dismay I was forbidden to take my trailer and preaching materials to various markets as people were afraid that it might cause upset with the Muslim communities. Through Sister Leona Scheepers, I was introduced to a shop owner in Hopefield who hosts a craft market on her premises was very supportive of the idea and welcomed the mobile BEC to be at her next market, which God willing will be on the 5th of December. 

Psalm 66:19 “but God has surely listened and has heard my prayer.”

P2P 2022

We are very excited by the news that God willing we will be receiving a group of P2P volunteers early 2022.

This will be the first P2P action in the province of the Western Cape. 

Regular planning meetings are being conducted in preparation for the P2P Group 

Little Brinks 

We are continuing our work with Little Brinks. We can see the impact that regular visits are making.

At the beginning the children were afraid of me and other men but with slow and constant introduction the children have become accustomed to having a male in their presence, even engaging with us when we go and spend time with them. This progress may seem unimportant but it is very important.African and coloured children are often afraid of white males due to cultural history and differences. By creating this relationship with them we are potentially unlocking doors that could be to their advantage in the future.


Continual follow-ups and inspections are made with the container and it’s coming together quite nicely. God willing, it will be received early December. Personally I am excited to see all the potential that will be unlocked once this container has been furnished.

Again, Brothers and Sisters, I thank you for your prayers in the work that we do.

Your Brother in Christ 

Michael Furstenburg
Cape Town, South Africa