Praise The Lord
View Praise The Lord 2016
PTL 1 - A new commandment
PTL 3 - All hail the Lamb
PTL 4 - All things bright and beautiful
PTL 5 - Almighty God, our heavenly Father
PTL 6 - Amen
PTL 8 - Angels singing, hills a'ringing
PTL 9 - At your feet we fall
PTL 10 - Be bold, be strong
PTL 11 - Be still and know
PTL 12 - Be still, for the presence of the Lord
PTL 13 - Bless the Lord, O my soul
PTL 14 - Blessed be the name of the Lord
PTL 15 - Bring to the Lord
PTL 16 - Brother, sister, let me serve you
PTL 18 - But ye are washed
PTL 20 - Christians, awake!
PTL 22 - Daughter of Zion
PTL 23 - Drop thy still dews of quietness
PTL 24 - El Shaddai
PTL 25 - Father, God I wonder
PTL 26 - Fill your hearts with joy and gladness
PTL 27 - From the sun's rising
PTL 28 - Give thanks with a grateful heart
PTL 29 - God is for us a refuge and strength
PTL 31 - God is our strength and refuge
PTL 32 - God is working his purpose out
PTL 33 - God of all ages
PTL 34 - God who made the earth
PTL 35 - Great is the Lord
PTL 37 - Great Shepherd
PTL 38 - Hallelujah, my Father - Version 1
PTL 38 Hallelujah, my Father - Version 2
PTL 39 - Hark! the herald angels sing
PTL 40 - He has shown you, O man
PTL 41 - He is exalted
PTL 43 - He was pierced for our transgressions
PTL 44 - Here I am wholly available
PTL 46 - I bow my knee
PTL 48 - I just want to praise you
PTL 49 - I wait in your sanctuary
PTL 52 - I Will Worship You Lord
PTL 53 - In heavenly love abiding
PTL 55 - In the presence of your people
PTL 56 - Isn't he beautiful
PTL 58 - Jehovah Jireh
PTL 60 - Jesus is King and I will extol him
PTL 61 - Jesus put this song into our hearts
PTL 62 - Jesus, remember me
PTL 64 - Jesus shall take the highest honour
PTL 65 - Jesus stand among us - Version 1
PTL 65 - Jesus stand among us - Version 2
PTL 66 - Jesus, the saviour from God
PTL 69 - Joy to the world
PTL 70 - Jubilate, everybody
PTL 71 - Just as I am
PTL 72 - Let there be peace on earth
PTL 73 - Lighten our darkness, Lord we pray
PTL 75 - Like a mighty river flowing
PTL 79 - May the mind of Christ my saviour
PTL 80 - My lips shall praise you - Version 1
PTL 80 - My lips shall praise you - Version 2
PTL 81 - My peace I give unto you
PTL 82 - My trust is in the name of the Lord
PTL 84 - O God beyond all praising
PTL 86 - O Lord, give me and undivided heart
PTL 87 - O Lord, hear my prayer
PTL 90 - O love that will not let me go
PTL 91 - Once in royal David's city
PTL 92 - Our Father in heaven
PTL 94 - Peace to you
PTL 95 - Purify my heart - Version 1
PTL 95 - Purify my heart - Version 2
PTL 96 - Shout for joy to the Lord
PTL 97 - Silent night, holy night
PTL 100 - Slowly the day is melting
PTL 101 - Soften my heart, Lord
PTL 102 - Stay with me
PTL 103 - Such love
PTL 105 - Take my yoke upon you
PTL 110 - The Lord's my Shepherd
PTL 113 - There's a quiet understanding
PTL 114 - Thy word is a lamp
PTL 116 - Tonight, while all the world was sleeping
PTL 117 - We are here to praise you
PTL 118 - We know that all things work together
PTL 121 - What a friend we have in Jesus
PTL 122 - When I look into your holiness
PTL 124 - Worthy is the Lamb seated on the throne
PTL 125 - Worthy, O worthy are you Lord
PTL 127 - You are my hiding place
PTL 128 - You are the vine
PTL 130 - Your love is to me
PTL 131 - Abba Father, let me be
PTL 132 - All I once held dear
PTL 134 - Amazing Grace
PTL 138 - As water to the thirsty
PTL 139 - Ascribe greatness to our God
PTL 140 - At the name of Jesus
PTL 141 - Be merciful to me, O Lord
PTL 142 - Be still, my soul
PTL 143 - Behold the man
PTL 146 - Bless the Lord, my soul
PTL 148 - Blessing and Honour
PTL 149 - Blessing, honor, glory to the Lamb
PTL 150 - Born in the night, Mary's child
PTL 151 - Christ the King is coming
PTL 152 - Colours of day
PTL 161 - Faithful God
PTL 162 - Father, we seek your blessing now
PTL 163 - Father, who is in heaven
PTL 165 - For the joys and for the sorrows
PTL 166 - Give me oil in my lamp
PTL 167 - God forgave my sin in Jesus' name
PTL 169 - God is in the silence
PTL 172 - He is Lord
PTL 173 - He was there in God's purpose
PTL 174 - Here is love
PTL 175 - Holy, Holy, Holy
PTL 176 - Holy, holy, holy is the Lord
PTL 177 - How deep the Father's love
PTL 178 - How great is your name
PTL 179 - How lovely on the mountains
PTL 180 - I asked the Lord
PTL 181 - I cannot tell
PTL 185 - I lift my eyes to the quiet hills
PTL 186 - I look up to the mountains
PTL 187 - I Love you, Lord
PTL 188 - I rest in God alone
PTL 189 - I Want to Know Christ
PTL 190 - I was afraid
PTL 192 - I will enter his gates
PTL 192 - I will enter his gates - Version 2
PTL 193 - I will seek your face
PTL 194 - I Will Worship
PTL 197 - In the stillness of the evening
PTL 198 - In thy presence there's fulness of joy
PTL 203 - Jesus, Jesus
PTL 204 - Jesus, my Lord, here in your presence
PTL 205 - Jesus name above all names
PTL 207 - Just a closer walk with thee
PTL 211 - Let there be love
PTL 212 - Let us praise God together
PTL 213 - Living under the shadow
PTL 217 - Lord Jesus I have promised
PTL 219 - Lord of all hopefulness
PTL 220 - Lord of all power
PTL 222 - Lord, we want to come to you
PTL 223 - Lord, you are more precious
PTL 224 - Lord, you are my light
PTL 225 - Majesty, worship his majesty
PTL 226 - Make a Joyful Noise
PTL 227 - Make a joyful noise to the Lord
PTL 228 - Make me a channel of your peace
PTL 232 - My Jesus, My Saviour
PTL 233 - Names and places
PTL 236 - Now Unto Him Who is Able to Keep
PTL 237 - Now unto the King
PTL 240 - O Lord hear my voice
PTL 241 - O my Lord, what have I done
PTL 242 - O righteous God
PTL 243 - Oh the comfort
PTL 245 - Open our eyes, Lord
PTL 248 - Praise the Lord
PTL 250 - Quiet my mind, Lord
PTL 252 - Shepherds left their flocks astraying
PTL 253 - Sing hallelujah to the Lord
PTL 254 - So behold the man
PTL 255 - Take, eat, this is his body
PTL 258 - Thank you for the summer
PTL 261 - The earth and its fulness
PTL 262 - The fields are white
PTL 264 - The Lord bless you and keep you
PTL 268 - There is a redeemer
PTL 272 - They who wait for the Lord
PTL 274 - This is the day
PTL 277 - To be in your presence
PTL 282 - Unto us a child is born
PTL 285 - We bow down and confess
PTL 286 - We break this bread
PTL 290 - Were you there
PTL 294 - With this bread
PTL 295 - Would you walk by on the other side
PTL 296 - You are mighty
PTL 297 - You are the King of Glory
PTL 299 - Your grace is sufficient for me