Week One:

Keep Yourselves in the Love of God: Jude's Appeal to the Saints
Bill Link - Baltimore, MD, USA


5 Sessions - July 5-9

The epistle of Jude is a challenging and perhaps unfamiliar book, densely packed with references to the Old Testament, and written with great earnestness. Its timeless message is that believers must take their calling seriously, giving their best in service to God.

  1. "It was needful for me to write unto you"

  2. "I desire to remind you": Old Testament warnings

  3. Contending, not contentious

  4. "Clouds without water"

  5. "Now unto Him ..."

And the Lord Sent Nathan to David
Noel Greenwood - Ware, UK

1 Session - July 9

The class is based on 2 Samuel 12 and firstly asks why God sent Nathan to David, and why Nathan told David a parable, before looking in detail at the parable and David’s reaction. What are we learning about our God and about who it is we really hurt when we behave badly? What also are we learning about how we should treat each other from our Heavenly Fathers example?

Systematic Prophecy
Maurie Beale - Otamatea, Whanganui, NZ

5 Sessions - July 5-9

A life-time enquiry into Bible Prophecy, seeking to understand its elements – and apply them. The talks begin with a short list of ‘Ground Rules’ that we’ll follow so as to avoid speculation – guesswork – and try to bring a degree of rigor to several reliable and important conclusions. The talks will not – and cannot – answer every Bible puzzle, but are designed to provide a solid Biblical framework on which students should be able to build confidently.

Mind Set or Set Mind?
Anthony Whitehorn - Maidenhead, UK

5 Sessions - July 5-9

Are we stuck in the way we do things in order to preserve our traditions or are we open to new ways forward in our relationship with our Lord in a transformational process? It is difficult to achieve the correct balance between the two. We will look at biblical principles and practices to help us maintain that Mind Set without having a Set Mind.

>10% of the UK Christadelphian community is now Iranian! Lessons so far...
Jon Davies - Tring, Hertfordshire, UK

2 Sessions - July 8-9

This class aims to encourage a thought provoking discussion around the enormous change that the UK Christadelphian community is going through, what we've learned so far, and what scriptures are relevant for us to think through.

“Beloved, believe not every spirit”
Phil & Paul Hinds - Queens, NY, USA

5 Sessions - July 5-9

This class will explore the importance of aligning our spiritual lives and the roles that we roles we play in society.


Scripture has Structure
David Levin - Lancaster, PA, USA

3 Sessions - July 5-7

We are used to reading the Bible to learn what it says. These classes will focus on how the Bible says what it says. Attention to the many formats and ways the texts are structured adds valuable insights and nuances to the teachings of Scripture. Finding these forms and patterns does not require technical expertise, only an eye that looks for them--and you already know more than you might be aware of!

Week Two:

Knowing Jesus - Workshop
Norm Fadelle - Mahomet, IL, USA

5 Sessions - July 12-16

Class Material:
Knowing Jesus - Class Info
Knowing Jesus - Class 1 - Advance Material
Knowing Jesus - Class 2 - Advance Material
Intercession Advocate

“Knowing” indicates personal and intimate association with another person over time and with numerous meaningful experiences. This was the privilege given to the apostles, whom Jesus ends up calling “friends” at the last supper. Jesus laid down his life for these followers. In response, they twice said they would die with him. This is true love generated as a result of knowing Jesus.

Jesus tells his story - It makes sense to first listen to what he has to say about himself. This is an essential part of the relationship.

Jesus declares himself - Who better than Jesus to declare the real him. His revelation is a series of “I am” statements with a crescendo."

  1. Monday-Tuesday: “Jesus tells his story”

  2. Wednesday-Friday: “Jesus declares himself”

The Ministry of the Prophets - Taking up the Mantle
Rob Oosthuizen - Invercargill, NZ

5 Sessions - July 12-16

God spoke through holy men and women who witnessed in the past in a wide variety of ways. They boldly proclaimed God's Word, often in the face of great adversity, so that they could convey messages from a Father who had compassion on His people, and on His dwelling place. Are we prepared to take up the mantle of this vitally important role in these last days, a role magnified in the life and ministry of the Prophet like unto Moses?

  1. Introducing the Prophets

  2. Profile of the Prophets

  3. The Message & Persecution of the Prophets

  4. The 1st Century Prophets

  5. The Prophet like unto Moses    

A Journey to Faith – Lessons from Israel’s 38 Years in the Wilderness
Dan Styles - Ann Arbor, MI, USA

5 Sessions - July 12-16

The Apostle Paul tells us that Israel’s journeys through the wilderness are given to us as an “example” to us and for our “instruction” (1 Corinthians 10:11). Stephen even refers to them as the “church (ecclesia)” during this phase of their history (Acts 7:38). We plan to follow their journey from Sinai to the doorstep of the promised land, drawing lessons for our own journey to faith. We will be based primarily in the beautiful book of Numbers, appreciating its wonderful structure and examine what held back the generation leaving Sinai from developing the faith to enter the promised land and conversely the positive behaviors the next generation developed that gave them the faith to take on their giants and enter the land.

Pitchers, Pegs, and Potsherds: Intriguing Instruction from Inconspicuous Details
Jonathan Midgett - Rockville, MD, USA

5 Sessions - July 12-16

Do you know how a threshing floor, a palm tree, a lamp wick, and a honeybee are related? Pampered in modern times with modern comforts, we can easily miss profitable lessons hidden within the small details of God's word. This study explores how ancient agricultural and domestic imagery is still profoundly relevant to modern life and discipleship.

What Christadelphians Can Learn from Stoic Philosophy
David Levin - Lancaster, PA, USA

2 Sessions - July 12-13

The Stoics are one of only two schools of philosophy mentioned in Scripture. Although Paul opposed them on Mars Hill for their religious perspective, many of the Stoic insights and principles on right thinking and right living parallel Bible teachings about spiritual growth and the mind of the believer. We will find out what we can learn from them, and how these teachings fit into our larger perspective of the Kingdom of God.

Week Three:

Tyre in Prophecy: Examining Ezekiel’s Prophecy and the Destruction of Tyre
Glen Anderson - Bingham Farms, MI, USA

5 Sessions - July 19-23

God’s condemnation of Tyre is one of the most astounding prophecies in scripture, with its broad perspective, precise details and unusual fulfillment. Tracing Tyre’s history, we’ll address the background, the characters, the significance of Ezekiel’s usage of detailed proprietary language, soaring poetry, colorful metaphors and the multistage fulfillment over many years. Contrary to the critics, its accurate, yet unique fulfillment gives renewed confidence in God’s control of world events past, present and future.

  1. Setting the Stage: Tyre and the World of the Bronze Age

  2. Tyre and Israel: The Proclamation Against Tyre

  3. The Lamentation Over Tyre: The Ship and its Trade. Ezekiel 27, 28

  4. "My servant, Nebuchadnezzar" and the Babylonian Destruction Ezekiel 26

  5. Tyre Meets Alexander the Great: Tyre's Destruction

Praying Into the Silence
Josh Dean - Watford, North London, UK

1 session - July 19

Prayer is so easy that we can teach children to participate before they start speaking. Yet, prayer is also so difficult, that after 25 years of praying at least three times a day, I still am unsure whether I am doing it right. Speaking out into the sky, into the silence, or into the void is truly a powerful discipline. Hannah speaks a whole monarchy into existence in 1 Samuel. Elijah asks God to end his life. The Lord’s prayer plays on repeat all around the world. Let’s try and understand together what it is we are doing when we speak to God.

Paul's Perspective on Sinai
Joni Mannell - Walsall, UK

5 Sessions - July 19-23

In this series we will look at some events from Israel's time at Sinai and after their departure from the perspective of the Apostle Paul's in his letters to Corinth. In these letters he makes some unique and insightful references that illuminate how these events should be interpreted and applied by generations of disciples living long after the events themselves took place!

  1. Baptized in the Sea

  2. Written in our Hearts

  3. If the trumpet gives an uncertain sound

  4. The greatest of these is Love

  5. Unequally Yoked

Parables of Jesus
Anthony Oosthuizen - Sydney, AUS

5 Sessions - July 19-23

Downloadable Handout:
The Parables of Jesus

As Jesus' ministry progressed and his popularity increased, he resorted to teaching in parables in order to separate the wheat from the chaff. This enabled him to state the true facts concerning the gospel in a way which would make an appeal to the spiritually-minded but discourage the worldly-minded. Jesus' parables are still directly relevant to our 21st Century discipleship, as I hope to demonstrate.

  1. Of The Kingdom

  2. Of Service

  3. Of Judgment

  4. Of Forgiveness

  5. Of the Love of God