Little Seeds of Faith

by WCF Podcasts

Welcome to Little Seeds of Faith, a podcast where children help read a treasured Bible story and we get a chance to explore and talk about the lessons we can learn. Do you love to read the Bible? The Bible has great adventures, love stories, stories of hope and truth and most importantly stories of faith that when we read our faith is strengthened for the hard times and we find joy and gladness for the good times.

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Give Me Oil in My Lamp
Little Seeds of Faith Little Seeds of Faith

Give Me Oil in My Lamp

Joanie begins this episode by wondering how people in bible times lived without electricity. She reads Jesus's parable of the foolish and wise virgins in Matthew 25:1-13. Joanie thinks about what the oil and lamp in this parable could symbolize. What lesson can we take from this? Does our love for Jesus and our faith in God shine out to those around us? Joanie explains the meaning of "Hosanna". She ends by describing ways we can keep love and joy in our hearts. Sing along with this simple and joyful song beginning at minute 12:16

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See the Shining Dew Drops
Little Seeds of Faith Little Seeds of Faith

See the Shining Dew Drops

This episode begins with Joanie describing her childhood camping trips with her dad. These experiences made her ponder how the natural world came to be. Joanie considers the meaning of Romans 1:20. She finds examples of God's invisible hand in the provision of rain and water that helps sustain life on earth. Joanie reminds us that God challenged Job to consider the wonders seen in the heavens and the animal world. Like Job, we learn of God's love and goodness by appreciating His marvelous creation.

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Tell Me the Stories of Jesus
Little Seeds of Faith Little Seeds of Faith

Tell Me the Stories of Jesus

Joanie begins this episode by recounting some of the marvelous deeds performed by Jesus. She reminds us of the miraculous healings and the display of his power over the storm on Galilee. She describes Jesus teaching his disciples and gathering the children to his side. Next Joanie considers the loving sacrifice made for us by Jesus. She notices the whole Bible leads up to Jesus! Finally, Joanie challenges us to share our favorite story about our Savior with our friends.

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Stand Up for Jesus
Little Seeds of Faith Little Seeds of Faith

Stand Up for Jesus

This episode begins with Joanie inviting listeners to imagine fighting a dragon! Next she reminds us that Jesus is our leader, and he stands with us in times of need. The words to Stand Up, Stand Up For Jesus highlight the role of prayer as we strive to follow Jesus. Joanie reviews the "armor of God" mentioned in Ephesians 6:10-17. Joanie considers David's faith when he faced Goliath and encourages us to stand firm in our faith.

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O Be Careful
Little Seeds of Faith Little Seeds of Faith

O Be Careful

In considering the words to this simple song, Joanie finds a reminder of how best we can use the gifts of sight, hearing, speech and touch. She considers how our eye is “the lamp of the body” (Matt.6:22). She points us to Jesus’ example of offering a healing touch and loving heart to those around him. We find wisdom for daily living to guide our actions in the Proverbs and Psalms. Joanie reminds us that our merciful and loving God is with us in all we do each day.

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Jesus Loves Me
Little Seeds of Faith Little Seeds of Faith

Jesus Loves Me

In this episode Joanie considers the words of this well known Sunday School song, Jesus Loves Me. They come from a poem written to comfort a dying child that was put to music by William Bradbury in 1861. It has a wonderful chorus and is fun to sing, with a deep and personal message about God's love for all of us. Jesus, God's son, died so that we could live. He comforts us when we are fearful or when we are weak. Love can overcome any challenge, and being loved, and loving someone is one of the greatest gifts that we are given from God.

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Trees of the Field
Little Seeds of Faith Little Seeds of Faith

Trees of the Field

Joanie has vivid memories of learning Bible Songs in Sunday School. She loved the ones that made her move and dance. Trees of the Field is one of those songs. Joanie considers the context of Is.55:12 in connection to these lyrics. We are God's creation and He blesses us! Our thankful response to the peace and joy we have with our Creator can be to praise him in worship through song.

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Whisper a Prayer in the Morning
Little Seeds of Faith Little Seeds of Faith

Whisper a Prayer in the Morning

In this episode Joanie considers the words of another favorite Sunday School song, Whisper A Prayer In The Morning. It is a simple song that reminds us of the importance and benefits of prayer. Prayers can express your thankfulness, share worries and fears or ask for help and strength. We can go to God any time and throughout the day. In fact, the more we pray, the more opportunities there are for God to answer our prayers. Joanie considers Matt.6:9-14 and reminds us to pray for the return of our Lord Jesus!

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The Wise Man and the Foolish Man
Little Seeds of Faith Little Seeds of Faith

The Wise Man and the Foolish Man

As a child, Joanie loved the stories sung in the Bible songs she learned at Sunday School. The messages in those songs have stuck with Joanie and are the little seeds of faith that grew inside her. The Wise Man and Foolish Man is one of the songs based on Jesus' Sermon on the Mount. It's the powerful message of building our spiritual house upon the rock of Jesus Christ.

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The Apostles On Their Own
Little Seeds of Faith Little Seeds of Faith

The Apostles On Their Own

Joanie and Verity read Acts 1 and learn about what happened after Jesus’ resurrection. Verity is 10 years old and loves her dad’s chicken parmesan. They discuss how the apostles saw Jesus going up in the clouds to heaven. Verity thinks about why it was important to choose another apostle to replace Judas. Joanie explains what it means to “cast lots”. Verity describes the importance of spreading the good news about Jesus.

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The Birth of John the Baptist
Little Seeds of Faith Little Seeds of Faith

The Birth of John the Baptist

Joanie chats with Ethan about the Birth of John the Baptist. Ethan shares that he is 8 years old, loves pizza and would like to have the superpower of teleportation so he could go to “7/11” for slushies. They read Luke 1 and discuss the circumstances around the miraculous birth of John. Ethan explains what John’s mission was and how he prepared people’s hearts for Jesus.

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Genesis 2
Little Seeds of Faith Little Seeds of Faith

Genesis 2

Joanie continues reading Genesis with Della from Upstate New York. Della is twelve and has a puppy called Scout and two cats, Naomi and Winnie. They read Genesis 1 v 20 to Chapter 2 v 7 together. This covers the fifth, sixth and seventh days of the creation story. God creates the first man and woman to look after everything else that he created. And since we are all made in God's image, we are reflections of who God is. With the love and care God has given us we should take care of God's world as well, as we look forward to the new creation, God’s Kingdom.

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Genesis 1
Little Seeds of Faith Little Seeds of Faith

Genesis 1

Joanie chats to Della from Upstate New York. Della is 12 and has three brothers. They read Genesis 1.1-19 together sharing God’s creation story. Genesis is the first book of the Bible. It means creation. It begins with the creation of the Universe. The stories in Genesis set the backdrop for important messages that flow through the rest of the Bible. It’s an invitation to us all to be part of God’s new creation.

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Moses and the Burning Bush
Little Seeds of Faith Little Seeds of Faith

Moses and the Burning Bush

Joanie chats to Della from Upstate New York. Della is 12 and has three brothers. They read Genesis 1.1-19 together sharing God’s creation story. Genesis is the first book of the Bible. It means creation. It begins with the creation of the Universe. The stories in Genesis set the backdrop for important messages that flow through the rest of the Bible. It’s an invitation to us all to be part of God’s new creation.

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Little Seeds of Faith Little Seeds of Faith


This special episode of Little Seeds of Faith is about Light. Joanie shares some inspiring thoughts with the help of her handy Little Seeds friends. When we live in the light, it is continuous work to keep the darkness away, but we can do that work because Jesus is here helping us. When we do the work for ourselves, others will then be able to see our light shining. Jesus is our light. He has shown us the way to live the way to eternal life.

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Little Seeds of Faith Little Seeds of Faith


This special episode of Little Seeds of Faith is about Joy. Joanie shares some wonderful reflections with the help of her brilliant Little Seeds friends. Remember that you get to choose to have joy in your life, instead of waiting for something good to happen you can have joy in all circumstances. We can have joy because of our Heavenly Father and his son, Jesus. Let us remember that even when our life is sometimes full of sadness, we can still have joy.

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David and Goliath
Little Seeds of Faith Little Seeds of Faith

David and Goliath

In this episode Joanie chats to Elijah from New Jersey. His favourite Bible story is David and Goliath. Listen in to hear Elijah share some fun facts and read the story together.

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