Romans 8

The eighth chapter of Romans is one of the most beloved chapters in the whole Bible. There is so much in this chapter. As Bible students we find ourselves returning to it again and again.

We come here for reinforcement of our faith, that we are no longer doomed to perish, that we have a rock solid hope, guaranteed by Jesus Christ rising from the grave.

We are admonished here, that we must live according to the Spirit, not according to the flesh, because the mind set on the flesh is hostile to God, and will die.

We are comforted that, in spite of our weaknesses, we have access to the Almighty God, who is pleased to be called Abba, our Father.

We are encouraged to bear up under whatever sufferings come our way, confident that the glory to come will far outshine whatever trials we now face. We’re reassured, reminded that God works for our good, always—even in the hard parts.

If God is for us to the extent of giving His Son, if the Lord Jesus gave his life for us and lives to intercede for us, that’s proof there is nothing, nothing, that can separate us from their love. It has been God’s purpose from the very beginning that His Anointed would have many brothers and sisters—and that’s who we are!

We could go on, basking in so much that is familiar and beloved.

And then, from time to time, we find something we’ve not noticed before! How can it be that something we’ve read so many times can suddenly give us something new? This isn’t a feature only of this chapter, of course. Any long-time student will tell you they keep finding things they haven’t noticed before, throughout God’s Word.

Here's something I saw today. Verse 37 reads, “No, in all these things,” [the tribulation, distress, persecution and other suffering he’s been talking about], “we are more than conquerors through him who loved us.” More than conquerors. I would be delighted to think that I’m in any sense a conqueror, that I’ve conquered fear, pain, trouble. Wouldn’t be on my own, that’s for sure—it would only be through him who loves me. To get my mind around this idea would be enough. But more? How could there be more? I’m going to have to give this some thought.

Love, Paul


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