WCF’s Rise Up and Build will roll out a new project each quarter that contains both a Touch and Teach element. The Touch element will involve reaching out to the community in some way, through service, showing kindness, or otherwise engaging with those around us. The Teach element will involve sharing God’s word in some way. We will provide funding, templates when needed, and detailed instruction to assist in the implementation of the initiatives. Each project will have been piloted in one or more ecclesias prior to its roll-out, so that we can share helpful tips, success stories, and lessons learned.

The first quarterly initiative is creating and placing a Bible Book Box at your Ecclesia, or in your community. (You may be familiar with the concept of a Little Free Library, which is a trademarked name, but the same concept.) The box has been piloted with children’s books, although each ecclesia may select their own books as desired.
A grant of $600 USD for interested ecclesias to purchase a box for their ecclesial property.
A guide for successful implementation, with suggestions for acquiring, monitoring, and managing the book collection and activities associated with the box.
Acquiring the box and a post for installation
Installing the box
Providing books and book labels on an ongoing basis
Designating one person, or team of people (such as a junior Sunday school and their teacher) to oversee the Bible Book Box
Richmond Chapel Ecclesia, Virginia
The Richmond Chapel has had their Bible Book Box up since October 2022. The box was painted by Sis. Martha Chiles, with some help from a Sunday school student. The middle school-aged Sunday school class has taken on the job of stewarding the library. Each week, they browse some of the suggested books, with the help of their teacher. Acceptable books are labeled with a personalized label and put in the box. There are usually about 8 books in the box at a time, and about 2-3 are usually gone the next week. Books that have been left by others are taken out and donated if not appropriate for the Bible Book Box.
Toronto North Ecclesia, Ontario
The Toronto North Bible Book Box was painted by an artistic Sunday School alumna who undertook the project this fall. Our box was installed during our ecclesial fall cleanup. Two Sunday School students posed with a couple of the books on offer during ‘opening day’. Our hall is located in a residential neighborhood, and five to ten books have been taken each week. We have noted greater interest in materials geared towards 8-12 year olds, rather than in nursery style books.
Each book contains our ecclesial ‘calling card’ attached with rubber cement so as not to obscure the illustrations. Email contact information is provided on the back of the card together with our web address.
Our Junior Sunday School members have assumed the responsibility of serving as the stewards of the box, and will monitor and refresh the contents. Members have provided some gently used books, and others have been purchased from local and online Christian book suppliers.
If you take up this initiative, please share feedback and pictures with us at We are also interested in hearing what themes our readers would like to have covered in the Fresh Ideas communique, including initiatives your ecclesias have tried and found beneficial for inreach or outreach.