Faith Mentorship… What Is It?

Marcia Smoke

We all need help on our journey to the kingdom. We can’t do it alone. One help is having a faith mentor. For three years, WCF has provided young people with mentors through the FaithLaunch initiative. 

Faith mentorship isn’t just beneficial; it is Biblical. The word “mentor” has only existed for about 300 years. Even so, the concept of mentorship was just as prevalent in Biblical times as today. The Bible contains many examples of mentors, from Moses to Joshua, Paul to Timothy, and Jesus to His disciples. Like modern mentors, these believers connected with younger people and offered them guidance and support. Countless Bible verses highlight the importance of such relationships. Proverbs 27:17 advises, “As iron sharpens iron, so a friend sharpens a friend.” Proverbs 9:9 adds, “Instruct the wise, and they will be even wiser. Teach the righteous, and they will learn even more.” And Psalm 145:4 instructs, “Let each generation tell its children of Your [God’s] mighty acts; let them proclaim Your power.”These verses reveal that spiritual mentorship builds wisdom, character, and faith. We note that Psalm 145:4 feels like a command—and that’s because it is! The Bible affirms that believers must strengthen each other’s faith. Galatians 6:2 commands us, “Share each other’s burdens, and in this way obey the law of Christ.”

The purpose of faith mentoring is to expose participants to brothers and sisters who have lived a life of faith. Knowledge sharing passed down from generation to generation, creates strong communities filled with empowered and capable believers. This mentorship program focuses on developing and growing faith.

Believers sometimes feel alone in their walk with Christ, unsure where to turn for guidance; this is where formal faith mentorships come in. These mentorships are part of a structured program, and they connect passionate mentors with people eager to learn. WCF's formal mentorships establish faith-centered relationships that transcend generational barriers. We help our mentees grow spiritually, develop strong relationships with the Lord, and navigate the highs and lows of their faith journeys. The program provides a platform where believers from vastly different backgrounds can unite and grow in faith. Over the past three years, we have witnessed lifelong friendships form through our mentorship initiative. The program aims to help more people gain the support they need to pursue a Godly life.

The Christadelphian community does excellent work in teaching Bible truths and highlighting Christ-like skills. A perceived gap could be that believers may not have an opportunity to talk one-on-one in depth about their personal faith struggles and hear about other’s faith challenges. Some may not have a believer to advise them spiritually. WCF’s Faith Mentorship program promotes knowledge and experience sharing. Mentors share advice, real-life experiences, and encouragement; mentors are by your side to support you. Mentoring is walking together.

You can learn more about Faith Mentorship, watch testimonials from past mentorships, and learn how you can get involved. Just visit

“He who walks with the wise grows wise.” Proverbs 13:20